It started with my car being backed into whilst trying to get into Crowes Nest car park... although I do feel really sorry for the poor girl who put her car into reverse instead of drive (hence the crash), I then fell down the stairs fracturing my foot to be put in a space boot for the next 6 weeks, I then get the flu (thanks Al) then THEN a pimple on my cheek got infected, and now I have no car because its in the shop (have you ever been on crutches going up hills for 40 minutes... I can't feel my hands) no more holidays and no more money because I can't work... ok the last part is a bit of a stretch but the whining sounds better in threes : )
Any way now that I've had a bit of a cry, on to the good stuff : ) in positive news I have now finished all my rough animation for my major work and have about half cleaned up, I'm hoping to be done on the clean up by the end of the week so that I can start scanning and colouring.
With any luck this will only take three weeks, so I'll be finished in plenty of time for the opening and have time to work on my book, thats if all goes to plan and I don't run into any other... complications ; )
Included in this entry is a more colour and texture tests - let me know what you think and stay tuned for some animation
In the meantime - hope your having more luck than me!