Saturday, September 27, 2008

Muahaha! Ant's Takin' Over!

Howdy there Lel fans! My name's Ant, and I hope that if you know Lel, then you'll know who I am! If not, well, just ask her.

Anyhoo, I'm just here to let you all know that Lel won't be posting (or replying to emails) on here for a week, while she has a blast at a camp. But stay tuned afterwards, folks: I'm sure she'll be back in force in a week, with more awesomely brilliant stuff for you all to enjoy!

Catch y'all later!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Spag bowl

Well bloggers

Here are a couple more pages, I promise I'll have pretty scanned versions by tomorrow, but in the meantime here they are in all their laptop camera goodness :)

The animals are mostly taken from favourite movies and the other is a little funny sequence about the hazards of animation... beware animating late into the night as you tend to fall asleep in the wrong situations :)

- this actually happened to my sister, we were eating spaghetti one night when we where kids and deep in conversation we were suddenly interrupted by a strange gurgling noise coming from the end of the table... Alex had fallen asleep on her spaghetti and was blowing bubbles in the sauce.
After cracking ourselves laughing mum managed to get her out of the highchair, wash her face and hair and put her to bed all without her waking up ^_^

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hey blogsters

I decided to fix the Bee girl up in Flash, and I'm trying to replace the other images with the scanned ones I did today : )
Hope you like this though, I did this using the mouse so my lines aren't as smooth as I would have liked but I think it came out ok
let me know what you think

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

back again


I know, twice in one night but I really wanted to show you guys this

I really need a scanner, but I hope you can see some of the detail : ) I guess she's kinda like a ninja bee girl... yeah, I think I need to work on the title a little...

till next time

Zoom zoom!

Hey everyone...

yep back with another page for the book, I did this one tonight and I'll try and do another one before i fall asleep... which may actually happen while I'm drawing... serisouly, I'm that tired right now :)

I know looking at this your probably thinking... why cars?? well I've decided I should probably do a few pages of different things (besides people) just to show that I can draw other things as well... I'm thinking of doing some animal pages and maybe some accessory stuff... if you have any suggestions I'd be happy to hear them

Be back soon

Monday, September 22, 2008

Big Screen Blowout reminder!

well things are looking good at the moment, I'm up to 28 pages on my book and have pretty much finished my animation... the only thing left is recording the sounds and figuring out one of the sequences so its a little smoother, can't wait to show everyone when its done... just a reminder to any one interested there will be two screenings of our major works,

the first is on the 18th of november at the Chauvel cinema in Paddington town hall - the digital media stuff starts at 6 then the time based art begins at 9... its all free so come one done and support us

the other one is COFA annual - its from the 26th to the 30th and will basically be a massive party cos it includes everyone graduating in 08, there will be art on display, screenings, food, drinks and music - should be really fun!!

any way above are the pics I did last night and this morning

enjoy and leave a comment if you can


Monday, September 15, 2008


I know I know, another dodgy photo - I will eventually invest in a scanner
in the meantime though, here is the blue pic from last night, decided to go over it in pencil and ink

It looses the fluidity a little bit but it turned out better than I thought it would : )

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Everybody was sketching sketching sketching"

Hey everyone

Ok, so I finally finished most of the colouring.. some sequences are a do-over but at least majority of its done : )
Any way, to celebrate I bought "the art of kung fu panda" ITS FANTASTIC!! Nicholas Marlet is a GENIUS, seriously,
best 75 bucks I ever spent : )
Any way I spent tonight just drooling over it and trying to capture the movement and delicate shapes Marlet does
- turned out like this...

Have a great Monday : )

Friday, September 12, 2008

To colour is to be... really bored

Yep, thats pretty much all I've been doing these days - in fact I now have a bit of a claw hand because I've been using the mouse so much : ) but 6 more scenes to go and I should be pretty much done, then all I have to do is lay it out in After Effects, add the vocals (which I kinda have to record) to the music and then I"LL BE FINISHED! woohoo! this has taken so much longer than I thought it would - and been so much harder, I'm sore, frustrated and extremely sleepy, but its been a fun ride so far...

above is a little snipit of the colouring style I've been using - its a scene for one of the "lotti lotti lotti" sequences

Enjoy and
thank god its pants of friday :P

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Don't worry I didn't forget.. ok I did

Hey guys - I know I know, I broke my record for an entry a day - but to my defense I discovered I had homework due today that I still hadn't done at midnight last night so after pulling an all nighter I kinda crashed and spaced on the blog - so to make up for it I decided to give you two images.. better? ^_^

Hope you like (oh these are for my major work - there's going to be a montage sequence (I know its cheating)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Rock'n'roll all night!

Been busy animating tonight so I thought I'd show you the present I gave my dad for fathers day...I'll have some new stuff tomorrow : ) in the meantime sleep, eat and smile ; p

p.s. I made myself Ace - my dad is in the middle then top right and bottom left are my sister - top left is my stepmum

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The escape

Hey guys

Ok so I'm not a real fan of this one, but I figured I put it up for you to decide - I think its the composition thats bugging me...
any way - until monday : )

Saturday, September 6, 2008

a forbidden love

hey blogshaz (running out of alternatives to bloggers)

I did most of this last night but I didn't like the little boy the first time so I re-did it, its about a little boy that has fallen in love with the moon - probably not the most original idea but I really wanted to work with the pinks and purples

hope you like it : )

Friday, September 5, 2008


hey guys

so I'm kinda cheating here I did this yesterday... but I was a little distracted today -
I'm working on a piece about a boy thats fallen in love with the moon : )
its fun testing out my pink pallet - this one though was inspired again by Pascal
I think I'm getting the hang of painting water - but I still have a little way to go

thanks to everyone thats been checking them out - and thanks to Alina - I tried
to keep this one cute too : )

until tomorrow... oh it is tomorrow (man I gotta stop going to bed past midnight)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


well I finally have a new picture today! (I can just hear a yay from all my blog readers and watchers)
I've always wanted to do this but when I tried the snow was too hard so I got a little sore - I definitely
didn't enjoy it as much as she is : )

Lets hope the cold weather stays into spring
(I know, I'm weird)

until next time ^_^

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


forgot I could show you this - tis one of the backgrounds for lotti learns - enjoy : )

still alive?

Ok so I know nothing much to show but I didn't get time to finish any flash ones today as I've been colouring frames for animation (not much of an excuse I know) I tried to upload the work I did so far but as usual blogspot is being a !@%$#^ and not letting me - I'll You Tube it later : )

promise I'll have more tomorrow
my new themes are "in love" and "snow bunnies"

stay tuned : P

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A long long day

Hey guys

Sorry I only have a half finished one to show you, as I've been working on a surprise for my dad... I should be finished tomorrow
- stay tuned, and if you have any suggestions feel free to send them my way ^_^

Now I'm of to get what ever sleep I can...

Monday, September 1, 2008

rainy days

Hey there blogers and bloginas

I worked on this one today - again I'm looking at Pascal's work for inspiration - I love the way he can capture rain so I thought I'd give it a try... hope you like it : )

one day down 4 to go ; p